Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 11

Dicle Kogacioglu talks about honor crimes and their role in Turkish society. This is when family members of a women kill her because they do not approve of her sexual actions. This is considered to be a "tradition" in turkish culture. Kogacioglu does not agree with this idea, saying that if men were put in the same position then it would not be be justified. The Turkish government should not allow this "tradition" because it is wrong and not a humane or justifiable "tradition". She talks about how mens right take first priority over women, and the government is an abuse of power by letting these killings continue.

Our next reading by Cynthia Enloe talks about how Iraq and Afghanistan the government and how the military abuses its power, she wants to bring our attention to this serious matter. She talks about how women in the United States, are not usually actively seen and are not included in the policies that are carried out. Women are not seen in the US military when dealing with other forces, and that message is put out that they have no interest in giving women and more power.

Both of these articles discuss the unfair treatment of women in their societies and show where they deserve to have equal treatment. Both readings justify this unfair treatment and women deserve and should be able to have a fair say and treatment by their government. My question is, Where can people start in these societies, and have an actual impact so that women can have equal rights?

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