Sunday, October 16, 2016

"Agreeing to Differ, Final Meeting"

In "Agreeing to Differ Final Meeting With Payam-e Zan" , Ziba Mir-Hosseini is having her third and last meeting with Payam-e Zan. She is documenting her encounter with him as well as the other men whom she spoke too. Ziba Mir-Hosseini's main question to him is "to explain the inequality between men and women's legal rights". These men have a hard time answering her questions and often avoid answering them. She finds herself having to elaborate her questions more and more because they do not grasp them. It was frustrating for her and difficult because these men were not being completely honest.
They assume that she is trying to find a fault with the past of feqh, and that she does not understand it. One of the men does not consider "differences" as discrimination, although women have different rights compared to men; he does not see it as a bad thing. He tries to switch up Ziba Mir-Hosseini's question and assumes that she is saying "women are defective". This is his way of avoiding answering the question, he laches on to that and goes on about how women are not "defective" and how that was never written anywhere. The value of men and women are different and there are all these "reasons" to justify why women are treated different. Nothing really changes, these men have there opinions set in stone and do not think they are wrong.
Reading this article was at times a little frustrating because of the things these men said. We all know that Muslim women have different rights compared to men, they deserve equality. This equality is hard to achieve because of the set mind people have. I really enjoyed reading everything Ziba Mir-Hosseini had to say and what she stands for.

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