Sunday, October 23, 2016

Muslim Women's Roles

Kecia Ali in our reading talks about the importance of marriage, money, and sex and the importance of its roles in Muslim America and how muslim american women have a different set of rules then those who do not live in america. First she talks about marriage and the little agreement that they have over dowry. The rules of dowry do not  apply in the same way in the US due to our laws of marriage, yet they can have the same benefits such as property transfer, for legal not religious reasons. She also talks about sex and how the Qur’an talks about the importance of sexually satisfying the female. Dower has a more symbolic meaning in american muslims she explains.In Muslim america there is a shift in the duty of the women and she is not there to run the house, but she can support the household and not follow all traditional aspects of the muslim religion. 

Afsaneh Najbadi in her text talks about ethics and how man and women are supposed to act and what roles they are supposed to play. She says how the man is supposed to be the bread winner and be the one who takes care of the the women financial needs, while the women is supposed to take care of the house and that the only purpose is property and to have kids. Later she talks about how women’s education should start to become a priority and not just something for men to have. 

Both of the readings bring up interesting views of muslim women and their role in society. The man has a lot of control over his wife and what I think is being said is that women need to start to have more freedoms. She is not just property and something that is to be used for just sex. 

A question to think about: What should muslim women roles be in society be, and how fast will it get there?

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