Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 13 Securitization

In Paul Amar's reading, he discussed during his career as a journalist, sexual harassment imposed on women activists and violence against women. He explained that women activist were subjected to violence due to their demands of protecting human rights. One reason women wanted protection was due how cultural effects impacted Egyptian society. because of Egypt's beliefs and ways of life, such as genocide, honor crimes, etc. and how they been repeated with each generation, the West viewed human rights as " divorced from global struggles for economic and social rights, and unconscious of the racial, colonial, religious and cultural prejudices embedded within the Western legalities and identities". That means that human rights is seen as a separate sphere which is unable to modernize.

 He also mentioned how the securitization is used to dehumanize Egyptian citizens. Foe example, the media view women as objects of sex relating to prostitution and the police view abusive men as inhuman as hyper visible beings who are invisible in others eyes. Women were viewed not as complex or legitimate subjects; based on his article, working class women were seen as third world (ignorant, uneducated, etc.). The media even covers up what was really going on and rewrite protesters as the terrorists using a tactic called the baltagi-effect. An example was the 2006 protests. Amar mentioned that the practice was used to " terrorize the protesters, but also generated new images for domestic and international media and criminological narratives for international security agencies and local law enforcement".     

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